Just announcing that my Etsy store is awaken again after few months in dormant mode. If you have spare time for surfing the net or thinking to buy something for your love ones for a random gift or for Christmas that’s just coming soon, take a visit at my Etsy Store. Thank you!
Author: liastonestudio
Bauhaus 100 Years #001
This year marks 100th anniversary of Bauhaus, so I took this opportunity to draw 100 drawings related to this multi-disciplinary design institution. I will try to draw daily like I did from previous years to draw 100 days consecutively. Its hard, but I am sure if I take little steps everyday, it won’t be a…
I love Bauhaus
I have been playing with metallic colour, glitter or sparkles or bling bling lately by adding shiny effects into my lettering projects. The experience has been positive and I quite like it, I may incorporate more this newly discover passion into my future works. Because I am about to start a new project for myself…
Gold ink
I have been doing a DIY birthday card recently and have used a gold ink by Winsor and Newton for the first time. I mean, I had it for few years already, but I did not have a chance to really test it for a real work. I am going to show you how intense…
DIY birthday card
I have got a commission work to make 1 birthday card for my colleague’s friend. What I knew about it or what requirements I received was: The receiver is a wise man with lots of life and academic experience The card needs to be something related to encyclopaedia The rest is up to me (total…
Beauty or Strong
Uncountable days have gone and finally I am back to use dip pens again. The reason for that? Procrastination Maybe that was just an excuse to make myself feels better. But that’s the truth, so many things around this world, so many distractions, so many other things and we really need to decide which one…
Relearning the language again
I am recently following my daughter’s homework as she starts her new school life as a Primary 1 student and I feel I am also starting to have a new learning experience too. The following handwriting is my thoughts about how I feel relearning my mother tongue again.
Coursera online class Week 1 (peer-graded assignment)
I am taking a 7 weeks online class from Coursera about Deciphering Secrets: The Illuminated Manuscripts of Medieval Europe and so far it is giving me quite surprising learning experience. This post is not about reviewing about the class, I may make one later after I finished the class, as this article is part of…
New class coming out soon!
Yeah! I am super excited to tell you that my 3rd online class at Skillshare is coming out soon! And I am really sorry for my sudden disappearance, I am still around and I haven’t been abducted by an extra terrestrial! The reason I have been away without even posting a thing, its because I…
Felix Sheinberger “Dare to Sketch” drawing book
If you ask me if I like or if I can name a living artist that I like, then I will tell you undoubtedly that Felix Scheinberger is one of my favorite living artist. There’s so many artists out there somewhere in this world or in other world, but the one who I keep looking…