Few days ago I saw a Twitter post by UK based illustrator and lettering artist Linzie Hunter (@linziehunter) about a craft work for Father’s day and inspired me to do my version with my daughters (6 and 4 years old).
I mentioned my version, because we didn’t really follow the way the artist taught, but the main essence is in there.
She used a color paper, we didn’t, because I couldn’t find at home, so I painted with the left over paint I had from my last project.
She drew the head freehand, I used a toy bowl for my girls to trace a perfect circle.
She used color pencils to draw the figure, for our case, my younger daughter used crayons and my elder one raised the level of difficulty by adding cutouts clothing and accessories (that was a creative).
Then my younger even goes further, she flip the figure to the back and used the left over cutting paper from her sister and told me the figure is a baby and needs a diaper.
Finally these are what my daughters came up as a gift for their father. 🙂