Not sure if that’s a curse or not, I am watching Game of Thrones (GOT) lately since mid May 2019 from season 1 episode 1 till now I am in season 3, I watched about 1 episode a day.
So far, the TV series is well appreciated, the plot is good, the characters, the casts, the CG, almost everything is appreciated, I cannot find anything that I negatively picked, if I really needed to pick, maybe too much violence (I am not mentioning about the war, but the blood everywhere, chopping heads, removing nails, you know what I mean), then the sex scene that I am not sure if that’s a must, but maybe the author wants to describe how the people think of sex during those times.
Women’s respect is also something I want to mention, in a way woman is not respected in the GOT series, but if the woman is from a noble class, then that’s opposite story, the class is very important during the Medieval time (I presume GOT is inspired by that period).
I am not a film critic or doing a review of the series, what I am want to introduce is just only because I love this series so much, I couldn’t resist to write and practice my calligraphy writing using the ancient calligraphy.
The calligraphy style is called UNCIAL, this style may not be exactly the same shown on the letters and writings that were shown on the series, but its something similar, maybe having the same origin.
I will explain if you are not familiar with calligraphy and this style of writing. UNCIAL is a calligraphy style written entirely in capital letters commonly used from the 4th to 8th centuries AD by Latin and Greek scribes. UNCIAL letters were used to write Greek, Latin, and Gothic.
I am not a specialist in calligraphy, I am just a hobbyist that want to learn this style and fond of the medieval times.
Below is what I have practice so far and I hope you can see my progress from line one till the last line. The pens I used were from top to bottom, Lamy Joy Calligraphy (1.9 nib), Lamy ABC (1.5 nib) and Parker Vector (B nib) and I think I have this Parker for more than 25 years since my primary school.
This writing style should be written traditionally using dip pen and ink, but I am more comfortable using fountain pen, so this is something I wanted to remark.
If you don’t mind to get mess and dirt all over the place, I recommend writing with traditionally tools, because that’s the proper way of writing. But if you are like me, prefer clean, quick, effortless and efficient, then just use the modern way.
Try it yourself!