I apologize in advance that most of you may not be able to read this book as it is written in Chinese, but for this review, language is not the barrier. What matters is, if the book can give me a good instruction in how to draw something, and in this case princesses.
By judging the book cover, it already shows visually that it is some kind of book that teaches step by step how to draw something, its a self instructional book.

I bought this book while hanging around with my younger daughter in a bookshop and this book was displayed at the Arts section which was a bit of surprised to me, as this should supposedly display at kids or comics book section, but anyway, found this book, open it, flip few pages and I thought, hmmm, what about trying to draw these princesses, castles, magic wands, and all the girlie things to satisfy my daughters (i have 2 daughters).
Then one day, while seeing my daughters playing around with their big crayons and just doing doodles and scribbles without any purpose, I hand the book to them and said, lets draw princess!
They were eager to see dad’s drawing and I started to follow the instructions from the book and started to draw my version of Snow White.

I tried to used what they were using at that moment, chunky crayons especially designed for kids hands by Stabilo Woody 3 in 1

The good thing about this crayons is that its size is a bit bolder than ordinary crayons to fit the little hands, the lines are obviously thicker and bolder as well, and it is water based, which means by adding water, the drawing can turn to something like watercolor.
Art tools I used:
If you buy the art tools from my links @Jacksons Art, I can receive a little commission that helps me to buy more art tools to review.
LiaStone Academy