If you are an artist in real life or if you have an artist soul inside you that constantly pushing you to create something with passion creatively, then you have to try this technique that I am going to show you.
Do you feel a sudden “itchy hand” to do some art, drawing, painting or just coloring your meditation coloring book with a brush when you are on the go, working in your cubicle or just taking a coffee at your favorite coffee shop?
But you don’t have the necessary tools to do it all in a sudden? I can help you and what you need is just a waterbrush that can fit in even at your pocket.

So what is a waterbrush anyway?
Waterbrush is one of the most genius invention in arts field (my opinion). With just this little tool, I save a lot of space in my bag or on my desk if I am working in a cubicle. I don’t need to carry or show the watercolors (tube or pan), palette and different sizes of brush, water and container while on the go or on my desk.
Just one waterbrush do all the things!
OK, lets start our quick and easy instructions that everyone can play with, even a 5 year old kid.
What you need to prepare?
- Waterbrush
- Any kind of water-based markers (even highlighters)
- Paper, any kind of paper, preferably watercolor paper, if not, then ordinary print or photocopy paper do the job, but less satisfactory.
- Non porous surface (plastic, metal or greasy)
- A black pen to draw the outline of the drawing

Just a quick hint, dont draw/paint/color directly on the paper, otherwise the result will be similar to my example shown. What you will need is something non porous that you can transfer your ink/pigment/color (whatever you prefer to call) from your marker to the surface. I used a lid from a metal container for the demonstration.

TA-DA you are done with your watercolor painting just using ordinary markers.
I use the same technique for a book review demonstration here, take a look there and if you have a spare time, try to draw with simple shapes then paint with markers!

Practice more and have fun!
Tools I used: